When the Rhodians sailed to the main harbour and put their man ashore to occupy the city she quickly led her ships around the island were the castle stands to day and seized the unmanned ships. The Rehodian soldiers , unable to retreat, were surrounded and destroyed in the agora (market-place). Artemisia then put her own men abourd the enemy ships and sailed to Rhodes. The city thinking that their soldiers were returning victorious, opened its gates without hesitatian and was easly captured.To celebrate this victory Artemisia had her own statue erected.To prevent the statue to be destroyed under any circumstances she had it surrounded with a wall and declared it forbidden ground. After her died in 351 B.C Idrieus came to power Idrieus died in 351 B.C. leaving the rule to his wife Ada. The youngest brothers Pixodoros married his daugther to a Persian noble by the name of Orontobates, but died shortly before the arrive of Alexander in 344 B.C. In the spring of that year, after defeating the Persian army at Grnikos(Bigacreek), Alexsander started occupying Anatolia with remarkable speed. When he arrived to Halicarnassus pixodaros had recently died and the Persion orontobates was in control as satrap.The forces in the city consisted of Persian soldiers and Greek mercanaries under the command of the Rhodian Memnon.As we understand from the detailed accounts of the historians Diodorus and Arrian; The city defended herself bravely.Alexander first attacked the Mylasa gate on the eastern side, then proceeded to at attackt violently to the Myndus gate.The satrap Orontobates and Memon retreated to the two inner castles at Salmacis and Zephyria.Alexander ordered the city to be sacked and the Macedonian soldiers burnt the whole city down leaving only the Maussoleion untouched.After the sacking, the inhabitants brought over from the six lelegian cities during Maussollos reing were sent back as Orontobates and Memnon were still holding on in the castles. Alexander gave the command of the siege to Ada, who by her own will had opened him the gates of Alinda, and proceeded to Lycia was also made the satrap of Caria.The Persians held on for about a year ,meanwhile occupying Cos will their fleet though it is not known precisely how long they were able to control the islans.After the death of Alexander, Halicarnassus was controlled by one of his generals, Asandros, in 313 B.C. first antigonos also know as Monoftalmos (one-eyed), and later general Lisymahos in 301 B.C. ruled over the region. Lsymahos was killed at the better of Kurupedion and Caria than was ruled by the Ptolemies(281B.C.)and had to pay a tax of one ‘’Trireme ‘’a year to the Egyptian kingdom.
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