Halikarnassos (Bodrum) was founded by Dorian colonists but reached its peak in the 4th century BC when ruled by Hekatomnos and his children, especially Mausolos. His tomb, the Mausoleum, was one of the wonders of the ancient world. The present Turkish-Danish excavations inside the Castle of St Peter are led by Oğuz Alpözen and Poul Pedersen.
The 2004 season was devoted to study of the findings so far and the location of the palace of Mausolos investigated. The palace was apparently on the north and west slopes of the peninsula, under the castle. The team uncovered staircases associated with a large terrace (11 x 13 m) with foundations of green andesite ashlar blocks, made using a technique similar to that of fortification walls of the period of Mausolos below the Crusader chapel. The staircases probably provided access to a small bay with a boatshed, perhaps to be identified with a secret harbour of Mausolos. Two cisterns of the Late Classical or Hellenistic periods carved partially out of bedrock were also uncovered. Late Mycenean LHIIIA and Protogeometric pottery indicates a much longer period of settlement on the peninsula than previously known.